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Cllr Gavin Lloyd

Sherbourne Ward Councillor.

I have been your Councillor for a short time now, Being first elected in 2019.  In that time I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you and working with many of you dealing with a whole variety of issues, often casework. I have always tried to get the best deal we can for you, the constituents of Sherbourne.


It is my intention, to continue to work diligently, professionally and as honestly as a I can for you my constituents.


Over my first years I have represented Sherbourne residents views upon many a different committee. Furthering my education and learning new skills to stand up for you, our residents.


Since being elected My responsibilities have included â€‹


Scrutiny positions attended either as a panel member or by invitation.


Outside Bodies include:

  • Coventry and Solihull Waste Disposal Company Limited - Shareholders' Panel

  • Tom White Waste Limited Shareholders Panel

  • West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority (Named Substitute)

All valuable learning points for myself but more importantly giving a Sherbourne voice at many a meeting, Without you and your support I could not have done this.


I look forward to continuing to work with you and work for you.


                                                                              Cllr Gavin Lloyd


Councillor Gavin Lloyd

Correspondence address: 
C/O Member Services
The Council House
Earl Street


Bus. phone:  024 7697 1627




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